i nearly forgot how to log in on this thing! that's not a good sign. just constantly trying to battle balancing all of the times. friend time, work time, home time, jamie time, God time, sleep time, and all the other ones. sometimes it feels like i am doing all of these just right, and then other times it feels like i am not giving a single one of these justice. its weird, but staying awake longer doesn't make more time.
so i won't have any photos to add for a bit, since some guy thought it would be a good idea to break into my house and take my cameras, leave an envelope of cash (my hot chocolate fund), but empty out my jar of pennies. i take him for someone that would be on wheel of fortune. not nearly smart enough for jeopardy, but ends up with way more money than a jeopardy winner for just picking a few letters at random.
work has brought me to mexico again so i came down early and visited zacatecas. i have a list of cities on a post-it note on my computer of places that i have never heard of but have been recommended by some locals. next up taxco. the last trip was san miguel de allende which was pretty good but i didn't really have much interactions with people, except for old retired white guys from america. quite the opposite with zacatecas. it was only a few days but it felt good again to meet random people from all over, each on their different paths. and i felt ok with my path. apparently i didn't do any of the things i was supposed to do while i was there. did you go to the mines? no. did you go to the ruins? no. did you go to any of the mask museums? the what museums?
the world is full of museums and lots of things are ruined. but i did see a bit of a creepy french, cirque de' sole show at the cathedral kicking off some festival for something. nobody asks about that. or hiking up a hill when my body was in no mood to do so. up to the very top where oddly enough the wind smelled like alcohol, which was the very same reason why my body did not want to hike up the hill in the first place. and spent time with people. that's what i need to do more of (not so much the creepy french show, but the other things with people).
i'm happy to be going to antigua tomorrow. it grows on me more and more. the buses there make me smile. hey, i actually have a photo of one!:
That's were all the school buses go! (they can get more chromed out with flames)
have a good day
your friend