Sunday, August 06, 2006


the new place is awesome! i spent the last hour at the coffee shop across the street. they had an alternative folk singing guy (there will be live free music every friday and saturday). i was starting to fall asleep in my chair from not getting enough sleep last night. i think i'm a pretty slow mover. i took one full day. its crazy to think that less than a year ago i moved up here with one car load of belongings. now i've got quite a few more (although, the car loads were not as tightly packed).

i really can't convey how much i am liking my new place. i had to move out of the last house on monday, and was able to move into this one on friday. that meant one week of being homeless. i almost wish i had more time. everyone at work was so incredibly nice to bring me home for the night. my apologies go out to jamie for breaking her air mattress (all i did was push the tab like it told me to). some highlights of the week: wonderfully prepared lunches for work, my first thin-tire-bike ride, a treatment massage (for my shoulders and neck, apparently i have a freakishly tight neck), but the best part was being able to hang out with people every day of the week. i would like to do more of that.

my current projects:
finish unpacking and sorting all of my crap
find where in the apartment i can consistantly get free internet
set up a local phone line for the apartment (right now, yonina, my roommate, is the only one with a local number, which means anyone that uses the apartment call box, will be calling her)
fill the living room with things. sitting things, specifically

the coffee place across the street has a great atmosphere. i will be a regular there by the years end (both to fulfill my new years resolution, and because i like it). a short hot-chocolate (with whipped cream) costs 1.64. thats a fair price for becoming a regular. they have a lot of board-games too, so maybe some game nights are in order.

have a good day,
your friend

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