Saturday, October 09, 2004

No rain, No bus

Man, I don't know where to start. First some clarifications about milford sound. It is more sunny than rainy, but when it does rain, it pours like a crazy person. And in my wishing for a sunny day, i got what i wished for, but in getting a sunny day you gain one thing and lose another. Basically, any direction i put my camera i could have made a post card out of the picture, so thats the plus. A dozen waterfalls along the way and a really cool stop at an underwater observatory where i saw black coral and other cool things; those were good. Now the downside of a sunny day: there are only a dozen waterfalls. When it rains there are over a thousand waterfalls all around. Missed out on that, but i will be back, just not this trip. Time to move on.

this is called the "elephant".

Norway's fiords are going to have some tough competition. Rudyard Kipling called milford sound the "eighth wonder of the world." He's a smart guy, and i'm going to concur. It is a bit strange though. Milford sound is actually a fiord. A sound is a body of water through canyony type mountains that is formed by water going through. A fiord is a body of water that is formed where a glacier used to be. It makes for some wicked sights that can't be explained in words, so i'm not going to try. Its sweet.

I've come into a transportation dilema that will sort itself out. I'm nearly out of hours on my bus pass. This afternoon I had planned my last two weeks out day by day and when i called to reserve the first leg of the bus trip, i found out my hours wouldn't cover it. So change of plans. It will be cheaper to fly from christchurch to auckland than taking the ferry and the bus.

Well before I get all poetic about how beautiful this place is and how sad i am about leaving, i will stop for now.

have a good day


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