I hope everyone is having a good christmas (or holiday season, if you don't celebrate christmas).
I feel really good being in florence for christmas. i think it was the right choice. i enjoyed rome, but it felt more like i was just a visitor. i don't think i know any other city more than i know florence (i studied in florence for a semester three years ago). I thought i would swing by and visit the school's villa, not really expecting anyone to be there. The director wasn't there but her assistant Lara was. she is wickedly good at foosball (i have never had to write that word out before). it was great and strange to see my italian home again.
Everything in florence is exactly the same: i had a fruit bowl in cafe liberta, and the same people work there; the leather market is selling the same exact things; there is even a begger that i recognize (he is very short and doesn't have a neck). The only bad news, and no one understands how much it wrecked me: Marizio, the chef at my school left a month ago. I've been looking forward to his red sauce since i knew i was going on this trip...seriously. i was hoping to watch him make it and keep the receipe with me forever, but oh,well. there isn't much i can do about it now.
All of the people in my hostel left to go to rome for christmas, and tonight i should meet all of the people that left rome to come to florence for their christmas. the hostel i'm at feels like a home (because i think it is one) and the people that work there are great. also, its in a part of town that i haven't explored before, so its fun to walk around and see new things.
My days have been pretty busy, but i haven't really done anything--just some walking, studying italian at parks, and trying to find places (restaurants, gelaterie-ice cream places, and stores) that are a) cheap and b) can't speak english. thankfully the two seem to be related. its frustrating to be speaking to someone in italian and have them talk back to you in english, and having us both not give in to speaking our own language. it is definitely more fun trying to speak in italian, at least for me.
Tomorrow i'm going to find cheap gifts for people in my hostel; by cheap i mean nearly free. i found a place that sells individual sheets of wrapping paper, so thats all taken care of. i'm thinking whatever happens this christmas, its going to be memorable.
Happy Christmas!
Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo!!
your friend